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INTEREX   The International Association of Hewlett-Packard Computing Professionals  

  [Interex - The International Association of Hewlett-Packard Computing Professionals]     www.interex.org 

You can get some publications by free subscription and others by becoming a member of  Interex or by direct subscription.   Past issues are available to members on the web site.    Interex's publications are only one benefit of membership.    The contributed software library (CSL), for instance, will pay for itself many times over.

HP World  ( Interexpress)   HP World covers the entire Hewlett-Packard computer family -- HP 3000, HP 9000, and NT.   Each issue includes the Interexpress which covers news about HP 3000 events, activities, special interest groups, and regional user groups associated with Interex. 

inonline.gif (4078 bytes)  Enterprise Solutions / Interact.   This magazine combines what historically were separate publications:  Interact for the  HP 3000, and hp-ux/usr for the HP 9000, and NT Enterprise.   This magazine Interact is probably the longest running HP 3000 magazine with a consistent level of quality.  The majority of the articles seemed to be targeted at the novice to intermediate level of experience with each topic.  For 'newbies' the The HP 3000 for Complete Novices series is worth the price of membership.

The 3000 NewsWire  The favorite news and information source of many hard core HP 3000 users and developers.   In my biased opinion (I am a contributor to the magazine) the NewsWire is the best of the independent HP 3000 publications.  Editor and publisher Ron Seybold was formerly the editor of The HP Chronicle. 

The Independent Guide For Integrating Hewlett-Packard Systems In Your Enterprise

HP Professional     Available on the web or by no-cost subscription to qualified readers.  www.hppro.com

The HP Chronicle is an independent monthly tabloid dedicated to the HP 3000 and HP 9000 midrange systems.

HP Chronicle   Current and past issues are available on the web.


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