HP 3000 Basics
HP 3000 for Newbies

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What is Available for "Newbies"?

Novice and intermediate level documentation for HP 3000 programmers, computer operators, and system managers is available and most of it on the world wide web.   We highlight four sources:

Tutorials and Guides from Hewlett-Packard

Hewlett-Packard publishes a wealth of information in the form of tutorials and "how-to" guides for IT professionals new to the HP 3000 platform and the MPE/iX operating system.   HP calls the entire documentation set of tutorials, guides, and reference manuals "learning products".   HP also publishes a few guides for end users with minimal computer literacy.   HP 3000 for Newbies - Tutorials and Guides from HP

Documentation from HP is available in three forms:

  1. Paper manuals or books.
  2. On CD ROM.
  3. On the web via browser or downloadable PDF files.   docs.hp.com/mpeix/

Go to HP 3000 for Newbies - Tutorials and Guides from HP.

The HP 3000 -- For Complete Novices
A series by HP's George Stachnik

This is an ongoing series published in the Interact magazine from Interex.   Interex members can read the entire series by getting past issues of Interact from the web.

The author, George Stachnik, is a technical trainer for Hewlett-Packard.   Stachnik says he is putting together this and some additional content into a book.   The expected publication date is late 1999.

Partial List of articles

  • Part 17: Using Intrinsics   March/April 1999

Papers from HP and other Experts

A selection of papers appropriate for a novice audience.

IMAGE Database Management System

From Adager:  (available in HTML or PDF format)

  • Database Dynamics by Alfredo Rego.   A overview of the IMAGE DBMS and a practical database design methodology for it.
  • Image Performance by Ken Paul.  A checklist of questions the author uses to pinpoint database performance problems.
  • For technical questions about performance, especially those related to keys and indexing, refer to the papers by Fred White.
  • Other topics covered include: Dynamic Dataset Expansion, the "high water mark".

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HP 3000 Training

Class room training schedules are listed at www.education.hp.com/mpeix.htm

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